#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Hit_and_Run_v3 ## Skin ### Label label4056.text = VR: Hit and Run label4056_mobile.text = VR: Hit and Run ### Tooltip IconButton_31596694_1AB0_47D3_41B6_26EDC2C84E31.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Media ### Title album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75.label = Photo Album DSC_0033 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_0.label = DSC_0033 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_1.label = DSC_0034 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_10.label = DSC_0043 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_11.label = DSC_0044 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_12.label = DSC_0045 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_13.label = DSC_0046 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_14.label = DSC_0047 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_15.label = DSC_0048 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_16.label = DSC_0049 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_17.label = DSC_0050 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_18.label = DSC_0051 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_19.label = DSC_0052 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_2.label = DSC_0035 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_20.label = DSC_0053 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_21.label = DSC_0054 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_3.label = DSC_0036 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_4.label = DSC_0037 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_5.label = DSC_0038 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_6.label = DSC_0039 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_7.label = DSC_0040 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_8.label = DSC_0041 album_155E5403_0FF2_FBFB_41A3_559CD12D3F75_9.label = DSC_0042 panorama_04AA1CF3_0FB6_A402_4199_4147D16C12AF.label = Enter_The_Scene panorama_060A7344_0FB1_DC06_41AE_62AB20AECDE3.label = Passenger_Side panorama_060A8B82_0FB1_AC02_4129_49E500BAFA68.label = Blood_Trail panorama_060AA2BA_0FB1_FC02_41AD_2A82A8E24F97.label = Front_Of_Vehicle panorama_060AFA7D_0FB1_EC07_41A7_6027C0399595.label = Drivers_Side panorama_13E47057_1977_BB60_41AE_979FC15AE862.label = Inside_Passenger panorama_13EC2676_1977_C720_41A2_B2ACB73CBF54.label = Inside_Vehicle panorama_13FFE866_1970_4B20_41B3_9034CB1E2104.label = Inside_Driver photo_025F0420_1990_5AD6_418E_A5ED951006FA.label = DSC_0037a photo_0749FDF0_1990_C536_41B4_6BFC1917BFEE.label = DSC_0047 photo_0C37A118_1990_5AE9_41AB_A0B0F821CACD.label = DSC_0044 photo_0CD041AC_19B1_BD2F_41A4_5D467A034707.label = DSC_0048a photo_0DAAD3A0_1990_5DD7_419B_C24A1E231676.label = DSC_0046 photo_0DD0D640_19B0_4757_41AE_D208C130612C.label = DSC_0045 photo_137A3358_0FF6_FC15_4182_7D6515A2A2E6.label = DSC_0035 photo_14897869_0FF6_EC37_4162_EE9A5C8D6F8E.label = DSC_0036 photo_214CB196_2E33_9D56_4183_99B058FCD1E0.label = DSC_0033a photo_31E9D7E8_1073_A438_419F_C82E2E8CA33E.label = DSC_0034 photo_33A7D5B6_105E_6428_4183_2FCB50030F04.label = DSC_0038 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_0309A04B_1991_DB69_41AE_47FA4F0D1072.html =
This hand mark may hold vital information to link to the injured party who may have made contact with this area when they were hit by the car.
In our CSI module (which involves the Crime Scene House and adjacent areas seen in this tour) you will learn how to correctly record evidence such as this and recover it for later comparisons in the laboratory.
htmlText_0461A9C3_1991_CD5A_4190_4169EC817B58.html =
Once you have had a good look around this crime scene scenario you will notice both doors are open and there are 2 phones in the area. This may suggest that there was more than one occupant in the vehicle at the time of the collision. Thus, we need to try to identify both. The phones can be used by digital forensic experts to interrogate recent use. The cigarette butts are a relatively quick and easy source of DNA which you will learn about in several of the modules.
htmlText_0AE80211_1990_5EFA_41B6_2A3CFAFC57A7.html =
These indicate that the occupant(s) and thus the driver may have been intoxicated whilst driving. So if a suspect has been arrested they will need to be tested to determine whether or not they have been drinking. These bottles can also be tested for fingerprints and/or saliva to provide DNA and help identify who could have drunk from them.
We cover these methods in the Introduction to Forensic Science Module where students will examine the features of their own prints.
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The fact they are still in the ignition show the driver left in a hurry! We can record and recover these using techniques learnt and practiced in out crime scene house and surrounding areas. These can be examined for DNA to determine who may have handled them.
htmlText_0D5DD13E_19B0_FD2B_41B6_082D2A585FD0.html =
Whenever someone makes contact with another area, they always leave some trace evidence behind. In this case the driver of the car may have left hairs on the head rest? This could allow us to determine their hair type and colour, which also may allow us to determine race.
Fibres from the occupants clothes may have been deposited on the seat. These fibres could link back to specific items of clothing and therefore a suspect.
Also, during high impact collisions, the force of the individual impacting the plastic inside the car can lead to evidence called fibre/plastic fusion. This is where the fibres from the clothes become embedded in the plastic due to high friction creating heat. Plastic can also be found on the clothing as it has melted due to the friction.
htmlText_0DFEA097_19B3_BBF9_417F_C045C9C88140.html =
Phones offer a vast amount of forensic information. We can access the information held on phones to give clues to the owners activities.We can also determine who could have been using the phone by sampling it for DNA and comparing that directly to an individual suspect using reference samples. If reference samples are not available we could compare the DNA profile from the phone to the National DNA Database which holds millions of DNA profiles (from unsolved crimes, volunteers and people arrested / convicted for crimes).
We go through DNA in several modules including the Forensic DNA Analysis Module.
htmlText_0FCA2260_1071_DC29_41A1_125911C2F1A4.html =
These are called drips – they show there has been someone injured and freely bleeding in that area. The shape and distribution of blood staining can give lots of information at a crime scene – we cover this in our Interpretation of Evidence Module.
We would also sample this blood staining to determine who it could have originated from using DNA - we cover this in our Forensic DNA Analysis Module.
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A hat was left on the scene along the trail of blood. Could this hold any evidence?
How would you record and collect this as a piece of evidence?
htmlText_1B461C9D_0FDF_A406_414B_A6B4EA8A5339.html =
A hit and run has occurred in a quiet residential area. A female on a bike has been hit by a car and the occupant(s) of the car have run from the scene.
The female has been taken to hospital with head injuries and cuts to her face.
You need to have a closer look around the scene to see what evidence can be targeted to assist with this investigation. The owner of the vehicle (Mr Quill) was located at his home address, where police officers believe he had been drinking. Mr Quill has stated that his vehicle had been stolen.
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In this case the car is still present, but if it had left the scene then a broken number plate would be valuable to try and identify the unknown vehicle.
The number plate details could be ran against a database to identify the vehicle. If the vehicle can then be located we could then determine if it originated from that vehicle by using “physical fit” method. We cover this in modules including Introduction to Forensic Science to see if broken fragments can be linked to a source.
### Title window_0C09F055_1E55_0096_41B2_42D9F1EDA800.title = Keys in ignition window_208B9224_2DF0_9FFE_419A_7B0751439201.title = Hit and Run window_217F4DD6_2E10_A529_41B5_AC0439B52A3E.title = Hand on bonnett window_23DABDDB_2DF7_E44A_41B1_2F4137AF9C9A.title = Broken Number Plate window_3E633104_2E17_BD29_41AA_54B23900CB35.title = Hat left on scene window_3E7E054C_2E30_653A_41C5_07B0686C1427.title = Bottles in footwell window_3E8B01FE_2E33_9CD9_41C5_777C41C9F0DE.title = Handbrake area window_3EA02CA1_2E11_AB6B_416C_66614CC72BE6.title = Drips of blood on the road. window_3EDA9F29_2E30_A57B_41C3_340D8784FCC1.title = Hairs and fibres window_3F07038E_2E33_BD36_41B3_CBB67B1799ED.title = Phone inside ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_08782CD2_1970_4B60_41A8_4A0C7DA096F6.toolTip = Leave the vehicle HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_08AAD49D_1973_DBE0_4175_0D7B032CFA31.toolTip = Leave the vehicle HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_09D6CB46_1970_4D60_41AB_D939052BB29C.toolTip = Go back HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_09F63388_1971_BDE0_41AD_F654C201183B.toolTip = Go back HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0C906FB9_19B0_4536_418F_DF07A0B497E6.toolTip = Leave the scene HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_140B9854_0FFE_6C1D_41A3_5301BD726B4B.toolTip = Follow the trail HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_14E6A297_1970_FFE0_41B3_012B8A67A959.toolTip = Passenger side view HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_159F3817_1971_CAE0_419A_F8C3B59C9C66.toolTip = Enter the vehicle HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_161FF2D0_0FF2_5C15_4187_91363D810887.toolTip = Enter the vehicle HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_16556EB3_1970_4720_41B7_1B30438DC9B6.toolTip = Driver side view HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_16A86326_0FF3_BC3D_41AA_EBA766297058.toolTip = Leave the scene HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1C6EC880_0FD2_ACFD_41AB_DBB365E2AF12.toolTip = Enter the scene HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1DAF314A_0FDE_DC02_41A5_3233216DEABC.toolTip = Info ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_124598BA_2167_7007_41BD_4F14B25EF345.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/forensic-and-applied-biology-bsc-hons.aspx